Response from Brenda Brady (Henderson - Massey Local Board), received 17/9/22
Hi Chris and Russell and the team
I certainly will continue to support the work that you are doing in our awa.
I have supported you from the early beginnings of your group and I will continue to do so. I have worked over many years pushing for Watercare to carry out the necessary infrastructure upgrades.
In the west we need the Northern Interceptor infrastructure work completed; not just the section that enables the Northwest growth area to progress.
I came into Waitakere Council as a community representative fighting for our beautiful Oratia Stream in the 1990's, and with others, brought about the big PTS project that addressed environmental and flooding issues at the time.
Our beautiful awa is struggling with high levels of pollution.
Unplanned intensification through the governments NPS-UD and MDRS will put more pressure on infrastructure, further the 3 Waters takes management into a huge disconnected organisation.
I will continue to support Rivercare - Te wai o Pareira.
Kind regards
Brenda Brady JP, BSocP, Dip Bus
Deputy Chair
Henderson Massey Local Board
Auckland Council