Safeswim water quality testing
In a joint project between Rivercare and SafeSwim, funded by Auckland Council and Foundation North, we have managed to have two sites on Te Wai o Pareira included in the SafeSwim programme. Visitors to Taipari and Chapman Strands will now be able to check the water quality before getting in or on it.
RiverCare funded testing commenced in mid May 2021 with the test results being provided to the SafeSwim team. In addition, the funding received from Foundation North enabled us to supplement the base level testing undertaken by Auckland Council to get the most accurate data we could to build the most reliable SafeSwim computer model possible. The Safeswim for Taipari and Chapman Strands has been live since December 2021

Understanding the Safeswim codes
Water quality predicted to meet guidelines – low risk of illness
Water quality predicted to exceed guidelines – high risk of illness
Wastewater overflow detected nearby – very high risk of illness

From the SafeSwim FAQ
What is the risk of swimming when a red Highlight is showing?
The health risk posed by faecal contamination in recreational waters is traditionally assessed by monitoring Faecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB). The presence of FIBs, which can come from humans, birds, dogs, cows, and other mammals, indicates the presence of pathogens that can make you sick.
New Zealand’s public health guidelines require councils to notify the public when levels of FIBs indicate that more than 1 in 50 people are likely to become ill after putting their head underwater.
But contaminants don’t necessarily mix evenly in the water. If you are unlucky you may swim through a patch of water where contaminants are more concentrated and the risk of falling ill may be much higher than 1 in 50.