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Pest Control

In an urban environment, trapping mice, rats, possums, hedgehogs, and stoats is crucial for conserving biodiversity, ecosystem restoration, and overall community well-being. The following are the goals, objectives, pest species and trapping methods for implementing a trapping program in such an environment, with the overall goal being a pest-free Te Atatū Peninsula.

Pest Trapping Plan 2024

Our trapping plan aims to engage the community in pest control efforts while following best practices and collaborating with local experts and organisations. We prioritise engaging with schools to raise awareness and involve students in monitoring efforts. Additionally, partnerships with scouting groups help expand our trapping lines and increase community involvement.


Our short-term goals include re-engaging the community, following best trapping practices, and implementing effective traps.


Medium-term goals focus on building trapping reports, reducing pest numbers, and conducting bird counts.


Long-term goals envision a pest-free peninsula, a knowledgeable community, and extensive trapping coverage.

Pest Species and Trapping Methods

We target mice, rats, hedgehogs, possums, and stoats using specific traps and baiting methods tailored to each species. For example, we use Victor rat traps and DOC 200 traps for rats and stoats, respectively. Trapping methods are chosen based on expert advice and the behavior of each pest species in the area.

Stages and Phases of the project

Our trapping project will be completed in ten stages. We will group these stages into Phases as follows:


Community Feedback

"I am enjoying the return of Tui to my garden recently, drawn each year by the “Tahiti” Dwarf Pohutukawha which flowers in winter.  I was delighted one evening recently to find a family of parent and fledgeling Piwakawaka feeding on tiny berries on a bush by my front door and a few days later to see a kingfisher in the garden. One or two Pukeko that have been rather bothersome in my vegetable garden over the last year have been absent recently.


The work you have been doing is much appreciated."

- Resident of Renata Cresent

Pest Control Management

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Restoring the mauri of Te Wai o Pareira

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