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Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions. Wikipedia

Our work in action

Charter RCG TWop

Fast Track Bill

Submission to Watercare

Storm Water Project

Advocacy is a crucial part of our mahi - and it's work that is rarely seen.


For hundreds of years, Te Wai o Pareira has been an important transport route, place of recreation, and a source of sustenance and shelter for the surrounding human, animal and plant life. As West Auckland has grown in population and density to the size it is today, this waterway that reaches into Massey and Henderson and flows out to the Waitematā has suffered ever greater inflows; of pollutants through stormwater, of rubbish, of leachate from historic landfills, and of raw sewage.

Copy of Te Atatū Peninsula over time - g

Although described as a disturbed environment, we here at Rivercare Group believe passionately that this waterway and its surrounding communities, could and should enjoy cleaner, healthier water. The health of the awa is intrinsically linked to the health of our community and the abundance of animal and plant life that surrounds it. We have made it our mission to restore the mauri, the lifeforce of Te Wai o Pareira.

To create change, to slow down and stop at least some of the pollution in-flows, we need the support of our community and also of local and central government politicians and representatives. We are learning and gathering data and sharing that information with the intention of raising attention to the many problems our awa faces. Only then will agencies such as Watercare and Healthy Waters be able to prioritise the work needed to make a difference to the health, the mauri of our awa.

Restoring the mauri of Te Wai o Pareira

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