Our Vision
Te Wai o Pareira is a thriving awa, filled with diverse life, and connects the community to their place.
Our Mission
We connect locals to the awa, uniting efforts to safeguard and restore our cherished waterways.
Our Values

Active Te Tiriti O Waitangi partnership
Honour and uplift aspirations of tangata whenua and mātāwaka Māori, committed to learning and embracing Te Ao Māori.

Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au
Prioritise the well-being of the awa in all actions. We are the health of our place.

Collective decisions
Uphold respect, integrity, compassion, and transparency in all actions, making collective, inclusive decisions.

Community led
Meaningfully engage with our community, facilitating opportunities to advocate for the awa.

Public Meetings and Collaborative Hui
Held two successful public meetings attended by over 120 people, distributed 12,000+ flyers, and collaborated with local and central government politicians, local water sport clubs and conservation groups.
SafeSwim and Water Quality Testing Initiatives
Developed and contributed to SafeSwim modelling for Taipari and Chapman Strands, and trained volunteers to conduct continuous water quality testing after funding was secured from Foundation North.

Structure and Dedication
Established RiverCare Te Wai o Pareira Trust, with formal monthly governance meetings, Incorporated Trust Status and registered charity accreditation.
Built strong relationships with local board, community groups, Iwi, Council agencies, Water Care, and other environmental groups.
Completed a 'Heat Map' to emphasize the urgency of addressing wastewater overflows in Te Wai o Pareira.
Making a Difference
2.5 Tonnes
Rubbish removed from the Whau River and Te Wai o Pareira
Supported the formation of Te Taiao/Conservation Network
Tawa Esplanade
Initiated a reserve restoration and pest control project