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Take two minutes to write to local body representatives.

As well as voting writing to local body representatives about the issues that matter to you is a great way to let them know what is important to their electorate.

You can help raise awareness and bring pressure upon the decision makers to ensure that priority is given to improving the wastewater overflows into Te Wai o Pareira. 

Copy and paste the template to the right (or write your own) and send messages off to the following Waitākere Ward Councillors and Henderson Massey Local Board Members by clicking on the email addresses



Waitākere Ward Councillors:

Ken Turner

Shane Henderson

Henderson Massey Local Board:

Brenda Brady

Hon Chris Carter

Peter Chan

Dan Collins

Will Flavell

Oscar Kightley

Brooke Loader

Ingrid Papau

Bring forward the works that will reduce harmful wastewater overflows.

Dear (name of representative)

I am writing to ask that you to support our calls to reduce the unacceptable number of wastewater overflows into Te Wai o Pareira/Henderson Creek.

Increasing housing density and more frequent heavy rainfall events due to climate change will mean the overflows get worse in the short-term. Watercare's proposed timeline of 2036 is too late and the community needs reassurance that any planned work will keep up with population increase and climate change.

We want Watercare to:

  • Prioritise works that will reduce raw sewage overflows into Te Wai o Pareira and its tributaries. 

  • Identify and implement measurable short and medium term solutions that will reduce raw sewage overflows into Te Wai o Pareira by 2028.

  • Design and accelerate Stage 4 / 5 of the Northern Interceptor project (scheduled for 2036) to ensure less than two raw sewage overflows per annum into Te Wai o Pareira. 

Yours Sincerely

(Your name here)

What will it take to reduce the number of raw sewage overflows into Te Wai o Pareira?

For many years now Te Wai o Pareira has been subjected to frequent and damaging wastewater overflows. The overflows were not public knowledge, and the environmental damage and risks to public health weren't talked about, so nothing changed.

Over time the situation has become measurably worse. As we have built more houses to cope with population growth our permeable surfaces have decreased, while climate change has given us an increase in intense rainfall events.  More sewage and more rainwater in an already overwhelmed sewerage and stormwater network equal more wastewater overflows into our awa.

Te Wai o Pareira is a Class 1 Recreational Receiving Environment, frequented by clubs, sporting organisations, Sea Scout groups and our communities for swimming, fishing, waterskiing and rowing. 

We are asking for priority to be given to works that will reduce the number of wastewater overflows into Te Wai o Pareira in an acceptable timeline.

Restoring the mauri of Te Wai o Pareira

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