Local Body Elections 2022
Candidates Responses
To view a response click on the photo below
Since 8th July 2022 we have recorded over 330 hours of wastewater discharges into Te Wai o Pareira. One wastewater overflow event lasted 26 hours, that's 26 hours of continuous high-volume sewage + stormwater gushing into our awa.
We understand that Te Wai o Pareira has suffered from at least 25 years of these wastewater overflows. Watercare promises the solution to fix this will be in place by 2036. This is an unacceptable delay.
Improvement to this dire situation will require investment and focus from Watercare and Auckland Council. There is strong competition for funding prioritisation - West Auckland and Te Wai o Pareira need to be heard (loudly!) for that change to occur.
We need our elected representatives to advocate for funding on our behalf and NOW is the time to influence this by voting for candidates that have indicated that they will support change.
We wrote to candidates (that have supplied contact details) to make them aware of the issues facing Te Wai o Pareira. Read that letter here. We also asked for support for our Charter. Those who have responded so far are highlighted, to view the responses received click on the photo:
Note: Rivercare Group has no political affiliation and will work with any and all candidates who will support change to reduce the wastewater overflows in Te Wai o Pareira.
Mayoral Candidates
John Alcock
Gary Brown
Wayne Brown
Efeso Collins
Craig Lord
Waitākere Ward Councillors
Shawn Blanchfield
Peter Chan
Aimela Hansen
Ken Turner
Henderson Massey Local Board Candidates
Chris Carter
Peter Chan
Dan Collins
Sanjay Datt Sharma
Susan Diao
Joseph Erceg
Will Flavell
Jacqui Harema
Oscar Kightley